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First I'd like to say thanks to Reinhard for creating the shovelglove site. I stumbled upon it while looking for info on sledgehammer training. I've incorporated some of the movements into my own routine, and I'd like to give back with some links other here may find useful. Gripping a sledgehammer can be a tricky thing. Here's a product that was DESIGNED with the intent of training in mind: http://www.torqueathletic.com/product.php? deptid=3&catid=62&subcatid=89&pid=5010&r=25364 Similar benefits of this circular type of training come through Indian Clubs. I used this site to make my own makeshift pair for ridiculously little time, effort or money: http://www.geocities.com/fightraining/klub.html http://bigsteel.iwarp.com/Articles2/IndianClubs/Clubs.html Here's are some sites with many of the circular training movements for club swinging: http://www.iartonline.ca/articles/products/Clubbells.pdf http://www.semlyen.net/cosmosjugglers/lib/contents.htm http://www.dolfzine.com/page714.htm http://ejmas.com/pt/ptframe.htm http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/myers3.htm Thanks again for taking the time to share your shovelglove creation! |
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