Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 92 of 649

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Subject: Re: [shovelglove] New scenario
From: Chris Highcock
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2004 22:08:03 +0100
Hi there

I did the search on google images, looking for things like scythe, reaping,=
winnowing etc.=20

Glad you liked it. I finally bought my hammer today - 10lb for =A319.99. 
Took me a while to find a DIY store with one! Not bad value compared to 
me of the exercie equipment I've bought over the years. I am looking forwar=
d to getting stuck in come Monday.....

To be honest, most of my exercise comes through walking (40 minutes to 
) and running, with a scatterin of bodyweight exercises. I haev sort of 
ven up the weight training - now but still want to maintain some strength 
tc...so that is where the hammer comes in. At first impression, this is 
ign to hit the wrists and forearms a lot.

Also I like the philosophy of your systems Reinhard - simple, "habitual" 
d no spin!


----- Original Message -----=20
From: Reinhard Engels=20
To: =20
Sent: 03 July 2004 13:45
Subject: Re: [shovelglove] New scenario

Welcome, Chris.

I'm so glad you took the trouble to find and post
these links describing historical farming techniques.
I must have been using the wrong search terms, because
when I made a quick effort to find sites like these a
few months ago I didn't come up with anything nearly
this interesting. The librarian and computer
programmer are me is humbled and awed!=20

I like it that you posted the first "sub-scenario."
Farming comprises a pretty big range of activities,
after all. It certainly wasn't the same, day in, day
out. The shovelglove farmer should also have a range
of scenarios.

On the SG home page I mention something about all
traditional movements not translating so well, that
(most notably) I haven't figured out how to "plow a
field short of actually plowing a field," but your
description of this movement sounds pretty doable (and
really takes advantage of the sweater-buffer). I'll
give it a shot next week.

The other movements sound interesting too, and again,
thanks for the links.

If I'm not mistaken, enough scenarios have now been
posted to fill an entire week (Allan, your scenario
idea is really taking off). I'm going to give each one
a try next week and report back.

Happy harvesting,


--- chrishighcock <chrishighcock@...> wrote:
> Hi there
> I've only been on the list a week or so, but in a
> quiet moment today=20
> I got to thinking about an alternative scenario for
> the shovelglove=20
> (SG).
> In keeping with the idea of functional movements
> that may reflect=20
> some previous generations' "real life" activities, I
> was thinking=20
> about a series of movements built around "The Wheat
> Harvest".
> 1. Ploughing - this is a movement I'm still
> thinking about but the=20
> idea is to hold the SG in front of you like a mop I
> suppose and push=20
> it away sort of like brushing the floor, pushing the
> head of the SG=20
> back and forth in front of you.. The idea is of a
> plough being=20
> forced through rough hard soil.
> 2. Sowing - the idea is of scattering seed. The
> seed is held in the=20
> crook of your left arm and you grab a handful and
> scatter it with the=20
> right arm....only the right hand is wrapped around
> the head of the SG.
> 3. Reaping. Stand in place with legs shoulder width
> apart and scythe=20
> the fully grown wheat. Swop sides.
> _old_ways_are_better.htm
> http://www.motus.mb.ca/scythe.htm
> 4 Winnowing. The grain is on the floor but must be
> separated from the=20
> chaff. Using the SG like a shovel the grain is
> lifted and tossed in=20
> the air, allowing the wind to blow away the chaff.
> 5. Grinding the mill - hold the SG vertically in=20
> front of you with=20
> the head downarms shod be bent but held in front at
> shouder height.=20=20
> Keeping the level of the SG head constant make a
> circular motion, as=20
> if you are rotating a large mill wheel lying
> horizontally at your=20
> feet.





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