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Hi Ariel, I'm really sorry to hear this. I've never experienced anything like it. Don't fool around, have it looked at. Let me know if there are any additional warnings you'd like me to splash on the home page. Best, Reinhard --- Ariel King <biffitybiff@...> wrote: > > > > Thanks for all the great info Deb! To answer your > question, there is > no heat or redness (and very little pain now). The > swelling starts > about 5 inches below my elbow and continues to maybe > halfway up my > upper arm. It's not huge, just noticeably puffy. But > it barely hurts > anymore even when I press on the swollen area. The > muscle is still a > bit tight underneath when I try to fully extend my > arm, but it's > improving. The same is true for the right arm except > that (a) I can > extend it fully and (b) no swelling. > > If it's still weird after Friday I will try to get > medical attn. > It's just so annoying trying to get in with a doctor > I haven't seen > before...seems like every time I call one, either > they're not taking > new patients or their 1st appt. is at least a month > out. I'll go to > a walkin clinic if I have to. > > thanks again. You are a big help! > |
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