Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 547 of 649

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Subject: Re: Carbon Monoxide stupor
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 18:44:46 -0000

--- In , "Ariel King" <biffitybiff@y...> 
> Hi Deb,Ugh, that really sounds like a not fun day. I'm sorry you 
had such a rough time. ((hugs)) I tend to be afraid of the dark too -
even at the ripe old age of 27. 
....Hey thanks Ariel :)
Hugs back to you! I actually love the dark, as long as I know I can 
flip a light on if I need to see... I guess I get worried that 
someone would trip and fall or something, as it seems our across the 
street neighbor did that night.. She's elderly and the firetrucks 
were out there flashing their lights in to see in the dark...But 
mainly it has been below 20 degrees around here at night and I was 
mostly worried we'd be freezing our buns off...

I'll be doing major slow SG today, a little later on... Still didn't 
eat lunch, and had a doozie of a bad morning here..one for the 
books. It wasn't my car causing the problems today, just major 
family dysfunction.. I need to recover big time... For me, physical 
work is never as draining as emotional stuff...
Well time for lunch. Hope you're less sore. I'm glad I'm home now 
though and look forward to my energy returning..

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