Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 498 of 649

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Subject: Re: [shovelglove] I Love Levers!
From: Richard Spears
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2005 09:19:17 -0800 (PST)

Way to go Deb!
--- Debbie Feder <deborahfederlmt@...> wrote:

> Okay, I did Shovelglove on an S day, busted! LOL...
> One extra post here, I'm sorry but I'm in a writing
> mood :)
> Update on how the ice has improved my
> performance....
> I feel so much better today using the "glove" LOL...
> (hey remember the Spinal Tap album "Smell the
> Glove"? Ha ha...)
> Seriously it's like night and day... I am holding
> the thing so much 
> easier today that I could put my focus on my moves,
> not on how tired 
> my arms felt.... Wow! So consider me your humble
> guinea pig and 
> take my word on this.. The clinical trials have
> begun and the first 
> trial shows remarkable evidence for the positive
> benefits of 
> circular ice massage...(I guess that's why most
> professional sports 
> people do that!)
> Here's why I love levers...
> My new move guys. Try it but clear all breakable
> items from at 
> least a ten foot radius.... You can't do this move
> with a dumbell, 
> yes probably with an unilaterally mounted barbell,
> but with SG it 
> will test your grip to the max! I call it:
> "The Lasso!" Yeeeeehaw!
> Now...all you do is swing the whole sg round and
> round, in a 
> circular motion over your head like a lasso...So far
> I can only do 
> this in one direction...Clockwise... I don't go too
> fast but if you 
> go too slow it becomes really clumsy... You need to
> have one hand at 
> the very end of the handle and the other only about
> a handwidth 
> away... You will love the twisty torquey stuff this
> does to your 
> arms guys! And talk about giving your spine and side
> stabilizers a 
> workout! I could only muster about 3 full circles
> before I had to 
> stop....
> For full effect I suggest you put on some Pete
> Townshend and imagine 
> your are doing horizontal "Windmills"!!! LOL :)
> Best to all the pact of blood :)
> Mrs. Debbie Leverlover.... LOL :)
> (I think I got that from a Pink Panther movie! LOL )

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