Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 499 of 649

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Subject: I still love levers...
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 00:26:56 -0000

I started a job today at a pt office...Gonna be there mornings, so 
sleeping late and having excess time is becoming a thing of the 
I was running around putting hydrocollator packs on people and 
folding towels, also taking off electical stimulation patches 
(warning! wait till current is off).. Tomorrow or Wed depending on 
the crazy storm coming our way, I will be learning how to put them 
on and crank them up to ELEVEN! LOL :)

Well there's some free weights there for the rehab patients...so 
when it was dead I did a little playing around with them... 10 lbs 
and 16 lbs... 
I have to say that at this point I love SG so much that I found 
these dumbells,,,,well BORING! LOL...

They are so Blah I tell you! You can't pretend you are slaying an 
Orc or Smiting your Mother in law or anything fun!
There's also something GREAT about that handle, even without the 
batteries LOL...
Seriously, besides being as dull as dishwater, the dumbells were 
also not as easy to handle for some moves. I attribute this to 2 
First, the handle really spreads out the load of the weight... so 
your hand and wrist *really* aren't holding 12 lbs, it's more like 
7/5 ratio for each hand (hey how much do you think the handles 
weigh? LOL)
the other, much more important thing that having a handle does is, 
that it gives you so much more fine control and stability!
So at the risk of sounding like a 17 year old AC/DC fan, I still say,

(sounds of Arsenio Hall woo woo woo's in backround.....)

I thought of a very domestic shovelglove "move" a few days ago, but 

it is definitely not in the Martial arts or Farming moves, category, 
more in the Shovelglove Interior Decorating category, incase any of 
you are into that Metrosexual workout....
I call it "The Paintroller"....
You basically mime painting a room with the SG.. Start by dipping it 
in the paint (you choose the color) then roll that muther up the 
wall till you get to the top... You do this for the entire length of 
the room and then switch hands and do it the other direction... It's 
like "Tuck the Bales" (still lame name Reinhard COME ON think of a 

better one! LOL) but with a travelling thing and a bending thing 
too! :) How domestic eh?
Peace Guys
Elite SG Warrior!

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