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--- In , Richard Spears <lokityrus@y...> wrote: Have you ever read about cold water dousing it was very popular in Europe and Asia in the 1800's and now people are rediscovering it. It seems very intense. ....Is that like when you run butt-neked into a frozen lake after a sauna? If you do it, then I will too! LOL :) Actually~seriously I don't know it... Got any links about it :) But if it is too shocking for the heart, you won't catch me doing it... I can handle local pain with the ice cups but I don't think I would want to turn myself into a giant popsicle... Try the ice though and let me know how you feel on your next workout. Well I think tomorrow I will be doing real shovelling again, since a giant Northeaster is headed our way, and it's supposed to be dropping at least six inches of snow! Yowsa! Anyone want to help me shovel? :) Enjoy a day of rest and rejuvenation guys! Love, Deb |
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