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--- In , Reinhard Engels <beautiful_idiot@y...> wrote: > Hi Deb, Be careful! I really don't want to have an injured kid (or mom!) on my conscience... Maybe this popular everyday systems amazon link purchase would be more suitable: .....Come here Reinhard! I'm gonna bop you with a big bopper fat bat right now! LOL :) Don't worry friend.. The last thing I'd let Richard do is engage in an activity I thought he'd get hurt at... They do sell six pound sledgehammers, and if he doesn't like it I can always use it to pound chicken breasts.... Thanks for your kind concern... I will start him out very carefully and we will work on getting his hands strong with easy ones like my own move "Jack and Jill" remember? The one that's like lowering and raising a bucket of water with hand over hand motion on the handle... Basically just gripping the thing... There will be no freestyling or overhead stuff until he really develops his hand muscles and forearms... plus.... whether it is against the ethos of Shovelglove, I also will probably start him out with doing this for much less than 14 minutes and then build it up as he gets used to the weight and the movements. Heck, once he starts this he might just say "I hate this! Buy me a big fat bopper instead!" LOL :) Love, Grateful Deb :) |
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