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Hi Deb, Be careful! I really don't want to have an injured kid (or mom!) on my conscience... Maybe this popular everyday systems amazon link purchase would be more suitable: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00017IDAQ/ref%3Dnosim/everydaysyste-20/002-6564705-9371215 No kidding, it's the number 3 seller, by count: http://www.everydaysystems.com/amazon_earnings.cgi Note the compelling customer review. On second thought, might not be so helpful in the injury department... Reinhard --- Debbie Feder <deborahfederlmt@...> wrote: > > > > Hey guys! I'm so thrilled about this! I just got a > request from my > son Richard, that he wants me to get him his own > Shovelglove! I > guess an eight pounder will be okay for an almost > nine year old :) > I told him you will have to be really careful, and > he said "I've > seen you handle the SG. If I just follow you I will > be fine..." and > he wants to do the workout together with me!(wow I > guess I'm > someones role model! Neato... ) > > > I'm going to have to pray that he develops a > fearsome grip or I may > wind up in the ER! LOL... > Perhaps I will start wearing protective headgear!.. > No seriously, I am really proud of my special > guy.... > Tomorrow we are scheduled to shovel the neighbors > driveway and steps > etc.. since he's going away for a week... Richard is > pretty psyched > to get his little piggies on some green! We're > getting 25 bucks.. > Not bad, but I'm getting the lame end of the deal, > as he's getting > 15 and I am getting 10! Lame! LOL :) > I developed a very very very hard move but can't > think of good words > to describe it right now... Actually I have about 5 > moves in the > making... > I had fun doing Shovelglove Capoeira tonight for a > few > minutes...Next time I'll have to get out some > Haitian Voodoo music > and really complete the scene... > I've also been forcing myself to try and do a couple > of situps each > session with the weight resting right about in the > middle of my, for > a lack of better word, boobs! LOL... > Also I'm trying to improve the strength of my spinal > erectors for a > good strong back.. I do this by laying on my stomach > and very > carefully placing the SG on my upper torso and > holding with one > hand, then the other hand stays on the ground for > stability... Using > my breath I lift my shoulders and ribcage up and off > the ground > while at the same time I raise my legs off the > ground... then as I > exhale I lower myself down again... Not an everyday > action of my > cavemen ancestors but I still like it :) > Hope everyone had an ass kicking day! > Love, > Deb > > > > > > > > > > > --------------------~--> > Give the gift of life to a sick child. > Support St. Jude Children's Research Hospital's > 'Thanks & Giving.' > > --------------------------------------------------------------------~-> > > > > > > > > > > > > > |
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