Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 261 of 649

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Subject: Re: [shovelglove] Monday S(Lug)G(ishness)
From: Reinhard Engels
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 07:46:12 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Debbie,

I can't to shovelglove 7 days a week. My arms would
fall off, among other things. By Friday I'm usually
pretty beat. A weekend's rest recharges me. Mondays
are my *best* shovelgloving days.

If you'd rather take your shovelglove S-days as "flex
time," when it's convenient work or other wise, the
only danger I see is that of the flex time turning
into more than 2 days. It is a real danger, but it's a
danger you might be able to manage. I know I can't.

Going 7/7 seems like a recipe for injuring yourself
and/or skipping out and feeling guilty and then
abandoning the whole thing.

What might be a good compromise is looking at you
schedule and identifying 2 non-consecutive days that
tend to be really busy and make more sense for you to
take off. This is better than flex time because you
are less likely to take too much. But it still might
be tricky to stick with it. The weekend/weekday divide
is very clear, others are less so. Ambiguity is the
mother of excuses. It might help to come up with a
funny mnemonic for these days so it's harder to skip
out. Like "weakling wednesdays" or something.


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