Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 260 of 649

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Subject: Monday S(Lug)G(ishness)
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 14:18:44 -0000

Hi Shugsters!
Debster here :)
So the "take the whole weekend off from SG" phenomenon happened 

again yesterday...I was so rusty feeling, after skipping two 
consecutive days, that SG was really not fun...I felt very sluggish 
and I think that it's because of that.
Also, I really like doing SG and having to totally skip it, because 
of the "weekends off" convention, feels like I am forcing myself 

*not* to do something I really like...What really seems to be most 
life friendly for me is doing it every day, unless I am scheduled 
for a very busy day of massage, and only taking off days if I am 
unusually sore for some reason. Lately with my kind of "schedule" if 

you could even suggest that it *is* a schedule, the way it is 
structured, I have lot's of free time so 14 minutes of swinging the 
steel is perfectly easy to maintain daily. The bad feeling of being 
so sluggish and rusty, is not something I wish to face again...I eat 
every day, why not exercise everyday too? Reinhard if you think 
there is a fatal flaw in my reasoning I would be more than happy for 
your feedback :)
Have a grrrrrrrreat day!

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