Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 262 of 649

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Subject: Re: Monday S(Lug)G(ishness)
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 15:11:28 -0000

--- In , Reinhard Engels 
<beautiful_idiot@y...> wrote: 
> Hi Debbie, 
> I can't to shovelglove 7 days a week. My arms would
> fall off, among other things.

...."definitely *not* a desirable outcome! :)

Going 7/7 seems like a recipe for injuring yourself
> and/or skipping out and feeling guilty and then
> abandoning the whole thing.
...First off, from the description of your routine, and the pace 
which you workout as documented in your videos, trust me, I am 
not "doing" as much and am really not worried about injury from 

overdoing it...I am really slow and methodical. I actually tried to 
do your beginner workout routine the other day, and instantly felt 
it was wrong for me...It's just too fast to swing 12lbs around like 
that. There is very little likelyhood of the Guilt trap you describe 
here, and I can assure you that I won't give up...However if the new 
workout routine doesn't produce the desired results I will try your 
plan #2 below...

> What might be a good compromise is looking at you
> schedule and identifying 2 non-consecutive days that
> tend to be really busy and make more sense for you to
> take off. This is better than flex time because you
> are less likely to take too much.....Ambiguity is the
> mother of excuses. 

....I like this idea, because it reinforces the "unconscious" habit 

for exercise with no excuses...I will try the 7 days thing with 
either Sat or Sunday off...The default for a day off is a little 
flexible then, but it's still programmed in. My weekends tend to be 
busier than the weekdays since my son is home and there are chores 

It might help to come up with a funny mnemonic for these days so 
it's harder to skip out. Like "weakling wednesdays" or something. 

> Reinhard

....That is hillarious! :)

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