Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 251 of 649

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Subject: Re: Help anybody :)
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 20:55:36 -0000

--- In , Storm Fox <storm_m_fox@y...> 
> Hmm...
> Good points. Have you noticed your wrists acting up, or is this 
strictly preventative?

For my left arm it's preventative for my right arm it's a little 
more. A while back I pulled a whole mess of muscles in my right 
shoulder girdle and wound up with 9 months of major muscle splinting 
and thoracic outlet syndrome (like carpal tunnel, but in this case 
all of the nerves in my arm were entrapped, not just the median 
or "carpenters" nerve, which is the culprit in CT syndrome)
So since I didn't really get the attention I needed during my worst 
symptoms, money was tight and I couldn't afford massage (how ironic) 
I only got treatment well past when it was due...
As a result, my right wrist and arm are weaker than my left from 
lingering trigger points and tendonitis that is still active 
throughout my right arm from the neck down to the hand. So 
shovelglove has the potential to exaccerbate what's already there, 
and at least when I am doing right side shovelling, it feels 
uncomfortable for me to be writing about it...Driving Fence Posts, 
Churning Butter, Chopping Wood don't create the same load on my 
wrist somehow and maybe I will just stick with them for now...
Luckily, during massage, I know how to work mindfully, and can 
always catch myself in the act of veering away from proper body 
mechanics. Longevity is pretty important to me, so I make this a 
priority, and never work beyond my comfort limits.

Basically, my right wrist is much more prone to flipping around side 
to side etc, and it's a work in progress to get it functioning 
optimally again...I've had to become a lefty for certain things this 
last year or two...I think I'll try a soft wrist bandage just to 
keep myself more in a neutral position, just as a guide, and to 
serve as a sensory reminder if I ulnar deviate...
Finally after a year of searching my friends in the massage 
community here, I found someone who wants to start trading sessions!
Yay :) I need it and we are starting next week.
Thank you Storm for writing back with your thoughts :) 
How goes it for you?
I looked at that link you sent Reinhard about the Farmers Walk...
The first guy, in the yellow shirt, looked like 400 lbs of pure 
myosin...Reminded me of some kind of human/beast! Like a Minotaur 
(but without the bulls head)
Are you in that league of musclebound hulks? LOL
Deb :)

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