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Hmm... Good points. Have you noticed your wrists acting up, or is this strictly preventative? If it is preventative, my suggestion is that you should go without the support most of the time, but if you feel like maybe you are edging into troubled waters, or if you have a tough one and maybe took it too far, either wear the supports or take a day off. Another way of looking at it, and feel free to disagree, is that perhaps, as long as the odd stresses from sovelgloving are controlled and of short duration, they could actually help as preventative medicine against tendonitis that you might otherwise run into in your profession . I would say, though, on the job is where you'll have to watch yourself the most, which you obviously already do. Very prudent. There are always this type of question with any exercise/lift: is the stress adaptive, or is it maladaptive as far as loading/joint angles/duration/repetition, and all the other factors. I mean, look at all the arguments powerlifters and olympic lifters get into over squat depth, stance width, and form! Debbie Feder <deborahfederlmt@...> wrote: Hi fellas :) One thing I wanted to mention in recent weeks is a little problem which I think might turn into a bigger one along the line... My arms and hands are the tools of my trade and I have to protect them...I have noticed that it is almost impossible for me to shovelglove without having my wrists go into Ulnar and Radial deviation or extension of the wrist....I know this isn't going to be good for my wrists because we were taught to keep the hand aligned and "neutral" when doing massage, to avoid problems like tendinitis etc...I was thinking of getting some wrist bandage or soft brace to keep my hands from deviation under load. What do you people think? Anyone ever use this kind of self preservation prop in your workouts (shovelglove or other weightlift stuff)? I would really appreciate feedback :) Have a fantastic day and good weekend. Deb --------------------------------- To visit your group on the web, go to: To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? vote.yahoo.com - Register online to vote today! [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] |
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