Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 103 of 649

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Subject: Re: [shovelglove] shovelglove feels good
From: Reinhard Engels
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 03:53:13 -0700 (PDT)
Welcome, Mark. Glad you like it so far.

I have to admit, I don't do any stretching, except
what comes naturally through yawning etc., and I can't
discern any ill effects except a guilty conscience.
Are there any traditional "useful movements" that
involve stretching? I can't think of any, which,
besides depriving me of my favorite motivator, makes
me wonder how necessary it really is. But maybe I just
haven't thought or wondered hard enough. 


--- mttl1 <mttl1@...> wrote:
> Today was my first day of shovelglove. I like it. I
> like that it was 
> different. My arms really felt it for the rest of
> the morning and I 
> can still feel it in my biceps. I did a little
> stretching before I 
> started and I was curious if anyone else did.
> Mark

> --------------------~--> 


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