Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 85 of 649

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Subject: Re: [shovelglove] working it into my routine w/ NEW EXERCISE
From: Reinhard Engels
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 16:41:49 -0700 (PDT)
Thanks for posting this, gtmcfar. Comments
interspersed below:

--- gtmcfar@... wrote:

> Originally I planned to do shovel-glove on my
> freestyle day, but last 
> night before yoga I grabbed a little weight bar used
> for aerobics 
> classes. I put a 10 # weight on one side and
> grabbed it like it was 
> a shovel. I did about 10-15 minutes of shovelglove
> with the bar 

My brother also does shovelglove as a supplement to
his regular (freeweight) workout rather than just by
itself. He says it's 1) a fun break 2) a good way to
hit all those oddball muscles that his conventional
more focused movements miss. While I'd originally
intended shovelglove as a replacement exercise for
people (like myself) who haven't been able to stick
with a conventional routine, from what I'm hearing it
does pretty well in an auxiliary role too.

> While I was doing this, I made up an exercise. I
> don't think I saw 
> anything like it on your site, but I could be wrong.
> I spread my 
> legs a little wider than shoulder width. Then bend
> forward at the 
> waist while holding the bar (or sledge hammer) with
> my hands shoulder 
> width or so. I turn my upper body away from the
> side that has the 
> weight keeping the unweighted arm straight (it stays
> straight). Then 
> I turn my upper body toward the side that is
> weighted while pulling 
> the weighted hand to my chest (like a dumbell row). 
> Drop the 
> weighted hand, turn the upper body away from the
> weight, repeat. I 
> did it about 15 times then switched sides.
> I call this 'hauling the anchor', although I doubt
> that anyone 
> actually hauls an anchor that way.

I don't worry too much about verisimilitude. If the
image inspires you, that's enough (though if there are
any actual farmers/sailors/soldiers/hunter-gatherers
in this group, I'd love to hear from you). You're
right that there's nothing like this movement on the
site yet. I'll have to give it a try. Might make a
good component exercise in a nautical "Master and
Commander" scenario.

> A few of the people in the class asked me what I was
> doing. I 
> explained the concept and they seemed moderately
> interested. Maybe 
> if I keep doing it they will join me.

You are a bold man! Let us know if you make any


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