Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 529 of 649

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Subject: Re: Electrolytes and muscle function...
From: Ariel King
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2005 18:17:57 -0000

Hi Deb, tx for the info. I am not having any cramping as a result of 
the SG, but I should probably look into the 
potassium/calcium/magnesium supplement bc I am prone to getting 
sudden, severe cramps in my legs & feet. I don't know why I would be 

deficient in these things since my diet includes regular intake of 
milk & bananas, but a supplement may be in order.

--- In , "Debbie Feder" 
<deborahfederlmt@h...> wrote:
> and without the right balance one can get loads of cramps...
> I will suggest to you Ariel and of course everyone else that you 
> take a suppliment which provides you with the right amount..
> It's possible that the epsom salts are getting in through osmosis?
> I'm gonna look that up soon. Whenever I do any exercise I always 
> have some source of potassium... a bite or two of banana will do 
> trick... If the soreness goes away within a day or two, then it's 

> just good ol exercise doing the job and a good sign Ariel...
> If you are getting strong cramping, a very different sensation, 
> which is very sharp and really more uncomfortable, then it's 
> possible you don't have enough dietary calcium and potassium...
> I drink two glasses of Emergen-C every day for the potassium and 
> vitamins... Tastes like unsweetend Gatorade and the main thing we 

> lose during sweating is sodium and potassium... I hope this 
helps :)
> Have a good one all!
> Love
> Deb

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