Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 224 of 649

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Subject: Re: Vicarious Shovelglove anyone?
From: Kai
Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2004 01:07:15 -0400

Hey all -

> From: "gratefuldeb67" <deborahfederlmt@...>
> Subject: Vicarious Shovelglove anyone?
> Kai, how's your scoptopid doing?

That would be "spoctopid" (SPace OCTOpus squID) and it's doing fine. I 

think it has turned out to be a very effective reminder to my roommate 

to lock the front door because she hasn't forgotten in awhile now.

In shovelglove news, I'm spending more time with the 8lbs, but only 
because I decided to hunt down a 10lbs (instead of a 12) and haven't 
acquired one yet. I tried speeding up my movements a bit to make myself 

break a sweat, but the necessary speed feels like it could be a little 

too fast for swinging a sledgehammer around. I'm probably just being 
paranoid because I'm definitely still in control of the sledge.

Based on Reinhard's comments, I am concerned about falling into the 
progress trap by upgrading too soon, but going to a 10 instead of a 12 

would be okay, right? I doubt I'll ever need (or want) a 16, so it *is* 

correct that the 12 is likely to be the end of the road for me. Whether 

that matters regarding where I want to build myself to (fit, but not 
AHHHNOLD buff) is up in the air.


- Kai

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