Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 222 of 649

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Subject: Storm/Kettlebells
From: Deborah B. Feder
Date: Sat, 02 Oct 2004 23:58:40 -0000

Hi Storm :)
I was curious about that kb thing you do. Looked it up and got some 
sites with photos, exercises, history etc....
That's *real* strongman "old school"

Reminds me of the ancient pictures of Ringling Brothers Barnum and 
Bailey Circus! "Now announcing,,,feats of superhuman strength"
Or does anyone know that great Italian film "La Strada" with Anthony 

Quinn, where he breaks metal chains, in the travelling circus?
Now all you need is some Russian dancing bear and the scene is 
Whew! You *are* hardcore :)
Will resume my sg tomorrow afternoon once I am done working at the 

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