Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 211 of 649

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Subject: Damn Gondola rowing!
From: gratefuldeb67
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 22:06:14 -0000
And the person who thought of this move!
Wait that's me, lol :)
Okay, just sitting here in my dewy tee shirt after shuggin'it for 14 
mins and 12 seconds (the time it took for Jerry to finish a long 
Hmmm...Does taking the weekend off have to occur or can I just miss 
one S day? Somehow having two days off is making the return feel 
like I am really rusty :) It took about 10 minutes to feel warmed 
up as opposed to my previous sessions of feeling warmed up and juicy 
by about 2-3 minutes in...
Still had fun, decided to do Shovelglove nunchuks and Kick Ass! 
during freestyle, balanced by about 3 sets of standing crane...
This little routine is having a great impact on my overall state of 
mind...Hats off to the creator
Reinhard the magnificent and his shovelglove of power
and Long Live the Alliance!
Who's with me?!

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