Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 5 of 649

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Subject: Product Review
From: jeffdoff
Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 21:02:56 -0000
After learning about the Shovelglove, I had to give it a try. I 
mean, fourteen minutes a day, how could I not have time to do that? 

I went to Home Depot and bought a ten pound sledgehammer. I looked 
around at home for the right sweater to wrap it in, but I couldn't 
find one I was willing to sacrifice. I thought I'd try it out with 
no protective covering and then find an old sweater later.

I have to say that I enjoyed swinging the Shovelglove. With no 
covering, it reminded me of times when I used to chop wood or help 
put in fence posts. There was an efficient aesthetic, seeing the 
metal head slice through the air. I felt alive.

The first day was exciting. I put on some music, set my alarm for 14 
minutes, and began swinging. I did the exercises I had learned from 
the inventor. When the time was up, I was huffing a bit and I felt 
the workout in my arms. Not bad exercise for 14 minutes!

I kept up with it for the rest of the week. I even played with some 
new motions. I particularly enjoyed the scythe motion. My roomate 
played with some swordlike motions. The next week, I meant to 
continue but I missed the first day. Then the next, and so on.

It's hard to make a new habit stick. I liked Shovelglove, but I 
wasn't able to make it a regular part of my day. Having said that, I 
still recommend that you give it a try. It's fun and easy. Really, 
there's nothing stopping me from picking it up and doing it any 
time. I better stop writing so I can go do some Shovelglove now!

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