Shovelglove : Routines : Evolution

Phase Months Movements
1 1-5
  1. Shoveling: 50
  2. Churning Butter: 20
  3. Chopping Wood: 20
  4. No Name: 8
Repeat (usually got 2x the above)
2 6-8
  1. Shoveling: 50
  2. Churning Butter: 50 (tough)
  3. Chopping Wood: 50
  4. No Name: 15
  5. Shoveling: 50
I rarely got any farther than this. When I did, I freestyled.
3 9-11
  1. Driving Fence Posts: 50 (tough)
  2. Churning Butter: 50
  3. No Name: 15 (surprisingly tough all of a sudden)
  4. Shoveling: 50
  5. Chopping Wood: 25
  6. Shoveling: 25
I rarely get any farther than this. When I do, I freestyle. In fact, I usually freestyle instead of the last set of shoveling.
4 12-24
  1. Driving Fence Posts: 50
  2. Churning Butter: 50
  3. Shoveling: 50
  4. No Name: 15 (much easier in slot 4))
  5. Chopping Wood: 25
  6. Hoist the Sack: 15
Freestyle if time.
5a (M-W-F) 25+
  1. Driving Fence Posts: 50
  2. Churning Butter: 50
  3. Shoveling: 50
  4. No Name: 15 (much easier in slot 4))
  5. Chopping Wood: 25
  6. Hoist the Sack: 15
  7. Stoke the oven: 21
  8. Tuck the bales: 21
Freestyle if time (there almost certainly won't be).
5b (T-Th) 25+
  1. Driving Fence Posts: 21
  2. Churning Butter: 21
  3. Shoveling: 21
  4. No Name: 14
  5. Chopping Wood: 21
  6. Hoist the Sack: 14
  7. Stoke the oven: 21
  8. Tuck the bales: 21
Repeat but with fewer reps. The rule is: if you did 21 last time, do 14 this time, if 14, 7, if 7, just skip it. I call this the 21-14-7 routine. It's what I recommended for beginners. Freestyle at any point.
6 Oct 2004- Present
  1. Driving Fence Posts: 42
  2. Churning Butter: 42
  3. Shoveling: 42
  4. No Name: 14
  5. Chopping Wood (swiss automaton style): 14
  6. Hoist the Sack: 14
  7. Stoke the oven: 21
  8. Tuck the bales: 21
  9. The Fireman: 14
  10. Chop Tree: 14

Note: movements are performed given number of times right then given number of times left. So "Shoveling: 50" means 50 right, then 50 left (=100 total).

Use the above as a rough guide, if you like, but try not to obsess over it.

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