Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 594 of 649

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Subject: Found a pleasant side effect!
From: lilwolfe006
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2005 05:22:04 -0000

I hit the Home Depot today to find myself my hammer. I picked up a
lovely 8 pounder and was shocked at how heavy it felt from the get go.
I may be able to curl 30lbs, but holding an 8lb hammer was no simple

Anyway, as I walked around the store, hammer over my shoulder, I found
that -every- -single- guy in the store looked at me, grinned and made
some sort of cute comment.

"Hey there, you mean business huh?"
"Do you always carry a sledgehammer around?"

It was so amusing! I walked out with my sister who said to me, "Well,
you sure know how to attract the fellas.

I plan on giving it a go tomorrow morning so I can get into the habit
of doing it /in/ the morning, which is when I'd like to do it. Or...
I could take it to work and really unnerve my coworkers. I bet that'd
be the last time my boss harps on me for deadlines. Haha.

Looking forward to it. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

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