Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 540 of 649

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Subject: Re: Taking a little break
From: Ariel King
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2005 14:59:05 -0000

Hi Deb!

I'm somewhat better, thanks for asking. I stayed in the epsom bath 
last night for at least an hour, and rubbed/stretched my left arm as 
much as I could. Virtually no soreness in my back today. Right arm 
is still just a little tight, but I can stretch it out almost fully. 
It's just the stupid left arm that persists with the stiffness & 
swelling - but it seems a smidge better than yesterday. It is very 
hard waiting for things to get back to normal. I feel like telling 
my body, "ok, I've GOT THE MESSAGE. You can stop punishing me now!" 

but the body always calls the shots and sets the schedule. I guess 
I'll give the left arm till Friday (which would be a week) and then 
if it's still weird, try to get a medical opinion. As for RICE - I 
don't know how I could do compression or elevation, but I'll put 
something cold on it tonight (though it's way past 48 hours, but 
better late than never).

What do you mean you don't know how working people do it? Sounds 
like you're a working person too. You have a boss ("bozo" hee hee) 

and you give massages on a regular basis. Is Bozo your boss for a 
massage job or some other type of job? And what's your new schedule?


--- In , "Debbie Feder" 
<deborahfederlmt@h...> wrote:
> Hey Guys :)
> Wow this has been a long day for me :)
> I am *not* adjusted to my schedule to say the least.. LOL :)
> Well once again I am amazed at how much I love working as a 
> Therapist... I just had a really nice session with a new private 
> client...very muscular, and fairly tense, but hoping to get some 
> stress relief and calm down the nervous system, so open to the 
> and receptive...
> Before I started I was so tired and somewhat stressed out by my 
> boss, Bozo, that I didn't know how I would be able to muster up 
> necessary reserves to do a good massage this evening.. I felt like 

> was going to fall on my face and go into a minor coma...Well 
> magically, as often happens, as soon as I started to work I was 
> to relax and the session went great... 
> But I am going to use this evening to recharge and rejuvenate, and 

> am going to come back full throttle tomorrow with SG.
> Gee how do working people do it? LOL... Well my idea of a perfect 

> job would be to organize group shovelglove classes and then 
> gets a massage after!
> Doesn't that sound good? LOL :)
> How are you today Ariel? Still in your world of pain? Hope not!
> Love and Steel,
> Deb :)

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