Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 531 of 649

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Subject: Re: Electrolytes and muscle function...
From: Ariel King
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2005 23:24:06 -0000

Hi Deb - I appreciate the info. What is R.I.C.E?

Ok, I'm off to the drugstore for epsom salts.

--- In , "Debbie Feder" 
<deborahfederlmt@h...> wrote:
> ....Hey Ariel :)
> Well everyone is unique and I certainly can't diagnose anything... 

> Just thought I'd let you know that the right electrolyte balance 
> can make a difference when one demands more than the usual from 
> their muscles...Especially if you sweat...
> Also, make sure to keep hydrated...
> Sounds like you just need to work up to it little by little, like 

> you said...
> You might want to work on moves that just strengthen your grip at 

> the beginning... Pulling the SG up with a hand over hand motion, 
> then letting it down again the same way... (the one I call "Fetch 

> the Water") Swelling? R.I.C.E. is the usual recommendation for 

> first 48 hours.. After the swelling goes down you can switch to 
> moist heat on those tight muscles.. This is the route to go when 
> dealing with an injury, which I hope you don't have or ever get.. 

> Take Reinhards advice and go slow!
> Don't exceed more than 19 minutes with the heat as this would end 

> causing more tissue fluid to escape from the muscles than you 
> ending in a dehydrated state...
> Hope the epsom salts work for you :) You'll be back SGing in no 
> time! 
> Peace,
> Deb

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