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It has been a great winter for shovelglove, hasn't it? I keep thinking "I've got to stop, leave something for the plow, the neighbors are going to think you're crazy." There ought to be some kind of service to match up functional exercisers with manual labor projects... maybe a charity even. Volunteer chain gangs of model citizens. Reinhard --- Debbie Feder <deborahfederlmt@...> wrote: > > > > Well today I was shovelling the, hmmm, maybe 6 or 7 > inches of snow > out there with Richard... It's good work I tell you, > but the > weirdest thought was passing through my head (well > maybe not *the* > weirdest..LOL) > I was actually trying to imagine myself doing > *SHOVELGLOVE* to make > to snow shovelling more fun?!? Whaahhh???? > Aren't we supposed to be pretending to do real > everyday things to > make the Shovelglove more "real world"? > Well maybe I just prefer a fake world today? LOL :) > > And I was just flippin that snow every which way! > LOL.. > It's funny how that "throwing off the weight" as you > dump the snow, > kind of "surprises" me each time now! LOL... > Well my perspective seems to be changing for the > better daily! And I > am enjoying the day to day tasks that just seem so > much easier and > fun since I started here in August...I'm remembering > the time I went > to hammer in a nail and got my medium/large hammer > out of the > toolchest and started to burst out laughing because > it felt like one > of those "Fisher Price" whack the plastic tool table > hammers and > seemed to have "Shrunk" LOL :) Well I'm getting > stronger no doubt > and I am proud of that! > > Well I guess I am now officially a sledge addict... > Now I can't wait for all this snow to melt and temps > to rise high > enough to go out and get medieval on that tire :) > Peace and Love, > Deb |
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