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I have not contributed recently - bit of a family crisis diverted me. My Mum was rushed into hosptial with a ruptured bowel. She is ok now, but my parents are about 225 miles away so visiting the hospital was a bit time consuming! Anyway, while chatting to my Dad the other night we ended up looking through a load of old family papers - birth and marriages certificates etc. On my grandmother's birth certificate I found out that my great grandfather's profession was a "labourer at coke ovens". Needless to say, this transformed my next SG session, with me now visualising life in the 1890s/1900s shovelling around the coke ovens.... If I keep digging round the archives I might find the ancestral lumberjack, and those 14 minutes will never be the same again! Chris [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] |
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