Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 265 of 649

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Subject: 101 uses for a Shovelglove
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 02:21:52 -0000

Hi Guys :)
I actually used the SG for squat thrusts today...Let the weight rest 
on my butt (which could double as a small coffee table these days!) 
and the handle rested on my spine...The 12 lbs wasn't such a big 
deal, but it worked great as a posture "guard", keeping my back 

flat...Also, I found an excellent use for the SG,,,,massage!
"How good could a sledgehammer massage feel?" you may ask...
the answer:
Pretty damn good! :)
I will experiment with this further, but here's what I have so 
far...try them for yourself :)
Sitting on the floor, you can place the weight on your quads and use 
the handle as a rudder to "roll" the head back and forth, like you 

would with a rolling pin and dough...I have often thought how great 
it would be if I could really lean in and get at those muscles, but 
sadly, it's really hard to do self massage to those guys because the 
leverage is all wrong and it's alot of arm work and just isn't great 
because there's really no weight to dig in...The SG is a wonderful 
solution to both 1)ease of use 2)weight coming down at a 90 degree 
angle....It's also not *too* much weight as to damage anything :)
I unlike Reinhard, love floor exercises, and don't feel like I 
am "grovelling" LOL...Often I like to lie down, put a rolled up 

towel under my neck, and simply meditate lying down...Today, I put 
the SG on my Abs and it was a great "resisted" breathing and 

relaxing exercise for my tummy...As I inhaled, the SG would come up, 
probably firming something down there just from the weight, and as I 
exhaled, the head would sink deliciously down into my muscles 
soothing and stretching them (this is really like getting a good 
tummy massage!) Wow now if the SG only came with batteries! LOL

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