Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 258 of 649

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Subject: Re: [shovelglove] Digest Number 113 Gripping stength
From: Ray Paige
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 18:29:41 -0700 (PDT)

Something I hadn't thought of and that is the style of
handle. Most axes and many sledges and an oval shape
(some axes being darn near flat). This puts tool more
in the fingers and less in the palm.

The great golfer Sam Snead used to work on his farm
shoveling poo and splitting wood as a way to keep his
hands strong. In fact in pre Ben Wright days Snead
said the biggest difference between men and women
golfers was hand and wrist strength. He taught both
for years since that was a main duty and source of
income of Golf pros even a touring one in the old
days. Most of the old timers who had to chop and split
their own wood rarely had wrist and hand problems.


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