Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 256 of 649

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Subject: Re: Digest Number 111
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 21:01:22 -0000

--- In , Ray Paige <rpsp1066@y...> wrote:
> Kettlebells also require a neutral wrist position to
> prevent injury.

Thanks Ray :) Those weight lifting buddies are probably right about 
injury which may arise because they are possibly relying on the 
bandage to take up for the muscles which are not really strong 
enough for the task...In my case, I'm thinking of the bandage as 
more of a guide, and reminder...Some external input to the joint.
No doubt paying attention to keeping it neutral is key as well. 
We'll see, I still haven't bought anything yet and if I do, it'll be 
a very simple ace bandage.
PS I find it so interesting to see this wave of Kettlebell 
popularity. It seems like such old school strong man stuff. Free 
weight stuff seems to be the best way to go when you are trying to 
go for full range of motion (versus exercise machines)

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