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--- In , Reinhard Engels <beautiful_idiot@y...> wrote: > > Don't worry, nothing serious, just the handle. Got a > bit of a bump, but went right on shovelgloving (how's > that for shoglo-macho?). My wife burst out laughing > when I told her. I guess it was bound to happen > eventually, right? Basically I decided to look down > while "churning butter" and jabbed myself right above > the eye. I wish my office weren't such a ghost town > this morning, I wanted to walk in and greet everyone's > astonished stares with "you should see the other guy." Ice it every hour Reinhard. This is crucial in healing and lowering your inflammation...Ibuprofen has a good effect too. 19 minutes on, and once it is numb stop... Take a break for a half hour... Then another icing for 19... If you don't have ice, use frozen food, like a bag of frozen corn or if desperate, whatever lean cuisine your boss had planned for lunch :) That sounds like perfect material for Americas Home Videos..did you capture it on Quicktime...just kidding, I hope you feel better soon. It's a little weird that you wrote about "looking down" as the culprit, because as I was working out just now, I thought "hey I should really write to Reinhard about his form in the Quicktime videos and it was that precise movement "looking down" I was going to mention, in things to avoid while SG...Weird man. Hope you feel better soon Love, Deb |
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