Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 234 of 649

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Subject: Re: An interesting view of the Abs....
From: Deborah B. Feder
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 15:00:23 -0000

> When does Richard do his homework? Or watch inspector
> gadget or whatever kids are watching now days? That
> might be a better default than hectic mornings.
...He is pretty self sufficient when doing homework but occasionally 
asks me for help on something, and that would throw me off, but 
before homework time I allow him to watch two half hour shows (not 
inspector gaget...Okay you are dating yourself now! LOL...He likes 
Yugioh!) This would be a perfect "inviolate" interruption proof 

time. He get's so absorbed in it that he won't get jealous if I 
don't pay attention to him for a while. Thanks for the idea it's 

> I'll have to wait till the weekend to digest this, but
> the pictures are great (and the link works).
> Reinhard

Thomas Myers is a quirky writer and usually his writing is built 
upon the underlying belief of "Ontogony recapitulates Philogeny"
The main thing was to show the pictures...It helps in developing an 
awareness of ones body to see the muscles one or two layers at a 
time, and since so much is said about Abs in these posts I thought 
it would be cool to show people anterior and posterior views of one 
of the Ab groups usually not considered...Everyone is so obsessed 
with the "six pack" look, when the Transversus is really crucial in 

all stabilizing functions of the low back. Incidentally, in 
your "after" picture, you will notice that your transverse abs are 

just exactly the outline and shape that they should be. So be proud 
that you are giving your bones and vital organs the support they 
need! The quote I liked, not in regard to abs, but relating to the 
spinal erectors and glutes, was the one where he said that they, 
lift our eyes to the hills and out of our primordial fourlegged 
stance and free our hands to do our work.
Have a terrific day :)
PS. Glad the link worked...I will continue to post links to articles 
of possible interest for those who care to look :)

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