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Sorry I haven't been more active, I've been involved in lots of kettlebelling, to such a foolish extent that I have now ripped big chunks out of my palms. If you try something new, make sure you're ready for it! The problem was that I basically doubled my previous volume, and had neglected to file down my calluses. Also, my technique was off, so that I held the bell in a very tight grip, instead of tight-loose-tight, which is how it should go, in a sequence. I may shug tomorrow, but this may be a great opportunity to specialize on squats. gratefuldeb67 <deborahfederlmt@...> wrote: > That would be my 50 pound dumbell curling brother, who > took up shovelglove as a supplement to remain, alas, > the armwrestling champion of the house. It's been a > while though... maybe time for a rematch. I am calling Don King right away :) Have to go watch Simpsons now Deb --------------------------------- To visit your group on the web, go to: To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? vote.yahoo.com - Register online to vote today! [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] |
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