Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 199 of 649

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Subject: Standing Crane addendum/correction
From: gratefuldeb67
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 21:00:36 -0000
Hey Folks, Okay, a maybe not so minor mistake was made in my 
description of the muscle groups which are used in Standing Crane.
Before a stampede of personal trainers, and muscle group 
afficionados start noticing it, I will correct myself.
I said that the move works the Abs directly...Actually, the exercise 
only directly works those hip flexors, Illiopsoas...I do firmly 
believe that it benefits the abs as well, firstly because they are 
used to stabilize your posture, and secondly, because I feel them 
working, but they are doing that work indirectly since there is no 
flexion or extension of the spine involved in the move.
Sorry for that kinesiolgy blooper.
It's still helping, any way you slice it, though, so try it out for 
size guys :)

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