Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 108 of 649

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Subject: Re: shovelglove inspired program
From: T. Kevin Blanc
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 18:40:08 -0000
Well, what I like about my program is:

It's in the shovelglove spirit. During the winter, I intend to take
the tire in to my basement. I won't be able to do the big swinging
motions, but I'll modify them to fast chops for a few months.

It costs nothing and is getting me into great shape for the real work
I have to do around the place... digging, pick-axing, breaking up hard
dirt with a digging bar, splitting wood, etc. Yard maintenance is not
a pleasure if you're out of breath after a couple of shovel loads.
Shoveling snow is no fun if you don't trust your heart.

Yet, I have a lot of these things to do, and now I do them instead of
just worrying about them. I can do them for hours now, just more
slowly and deliberately than I exercise.

I stretched my "schedulistically insignificant" period to 19 
because it's too much fun to stop after 14 minutes. Soon, I may
justify that 29 minutes is also insignificant...

--- In , Reinhard Engels
<beautiful_idiot@y...> wrote:
> Welcome to the group, Kevin.
> Whaling on the tire sounds great. I wish I could get
> away with that, but my neighborhood is just a little
> too densely populated.
> This, and the goanimal.com link that Chris posted (I
> need to spend some more time poking around that site,
> looks very interesting), make me think that there must
> be a market for an "obstacle course" type gym, a place
> well stocked with sledgehammers and tires, ropes to
> climb, sand to shovel, buckets to haul, and insurance
> up the wazoo. Sort of like a playground for adults. 
> Reinhard
> --- "T. Kevin Blanc" <t.k.blanc@a...> wrote:
> > For the past three weeks I've used shovelglove as
> > the inspiration for
> > my outdoor workout. I have an old tire (not on a
> > rim), a back yard, a
> > 10# sledge hammer, and a 4# setting sledge. You can
> > guess what I do. 
> > 
> > Anyway, my 20 minute daily workout (which ends too
> > quickly for my
> > taste - this is addicting) consists of the
> > following:
> > 
> > 50 hindu squats
> > 
> > 50 shoveling motion with each arm leading,
> > "shoveling" the tire in a
> > straight line (bump/pushing it)
> > 
> > 50 sideways swings, each hand on top, driving the
> > tire (kind of like a
> > baseball bat swing, but lower.
> > 
> > 50 overhead swings, each arm on top, rotating around
> > the tire.
> > 
> > 50 two handed "ice breaking" swings, each arm on top
> > (like churning
> > butter, but with downward force, not allowing the
> > hammer to rebound
> > off the tire)
> > 
> > 50 one handed "ice breaking" swings, each arm alone.
> > Big time bicep
> > and tricep work.
> > 
> > 75 hammer strokes with a 4 pound setting sledge each
> > arm, with the
> > tire standing on end.
> > 
> > There's something about beating the heck out of the
> > tire that feels great.
> > 
> > I've lost 5 pounds in three weeks and feel great. I
> > break a sweat in
> > minutes and breath hard, but LOVE it. I couldn't
> > have done this in 20
> > minutes at the beginning, but I can now. I could
> > keep this up for 45
> > minutes, but I try to leave before I get tired of
> > it. 20 minutes is it.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

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> > 
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> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >

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