Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 106 of 649

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Subject: shovelglove inspired program
From: T. Kevin Blanc
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 15:43:26 -0000
For the past three weeks I've used shovelglove as the inspiration for
my outdoor workout. I have an old tire (not on a rim), a back yard, a
10# sledge hammer, and a 4# setting sledge. You can guess what I do. 

Anyway, my 20 minute daily workout (which ends too quickly for my
taste - this is addicting) consists of the following:

50 hindu squats

50 shoveling motion with each arm leading, "shoveling" the tire in 
straight line (bump/pushing it)

50 sideways swings, each hand on top, driving the tire (kind of like a
baseball bat swing, but lower.

50 overhead swings, each arm on top, rotating around the tire.

50 two handed "ice breaking" swings, each arm on top (like churning
butter, but with downward force, not allowing the hammer to rebound
off the tire)

50 one handed "ice breaking" swings, each arm alone. Big time 
and tricep work.

75 hammer strokes with a 4 pound setting sledge each arm, with the
tire standing on end.

There's something about beating the heck out of the tire that feels great.

I've lost 5 pounds in three weeks and feel great. I break a sweat in
minutes and breath hard, but LOVE it. I couldn't have done this in 20
minutes at the beginning, but I can now. I could keep this up for 45
minutes, but I try to leave before I get tired of it. 20 minutes is it.

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