Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 595 of 649

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Subject: Re: Rock and (Please Don't!!!) Roll :)
From: lilwolfe006
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2005 05:28:02 -0000

Total newbie here, but last night as I went to bed thinking about the
newest discovery I had come across (Shovelglove) - I had already
started thinking about ways to slowly increase weight once I get down
to that point.

I have a set of ankle/wrist weights. Velcro style. Each sand pouch
is I think 1/2 pound and you can put up to 2.5 pounds into each one. 
I figured when I wanted to add a bit more, I'd just wrap it around the
hammer end like it were an ankle and go from there. Worst case
scenario, the velcro unsnaps and 2.5lbs of sand in plastic and canvas
bindings slips to the floor.

Just a thought. Let me know what works best!

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